Concurrency with Python: Threads and Locks
The Concurrency with Python Series:
- Concurrency with Python: Why?
- Concurrency with Python: Threads and Locks
- Concurrency with Python: Functional Programming
- Concurrency with Python: Separating Identity From State
- Concurrency with Python: Actor Models
- Concurrency with Python: CSP and Coroutines
- Concurrency with Python: Hardware-Based Parallelism
- Concurrency with Python: Data-Intensive Architectures
- Concurrency with Python: Conclusion
Threads and locks are a software-defined formalization of the hardware underneath, and as such comprise the simplest possible concurrency model. It forms the basis of other concurrency abstractions built on top of it, so it's important to understand in this regards. However, it's difficult or impossible to build reliable, scalable systems directly on these primitives.
While most every language has support for threads and locks, CPython remains special in its use of a global interpreter lock that prevents threads from concurrently accessing shared memory, because CPython's memory management is not thread-safe. While blocking operations happen outside the GIL and can lead to performance speedups, the syscall overhead required for thread switching may degrade performance. This means threading in Python is primarily used for I/O-bound operations, instead of CPU-bound operations.
(As an aside, I mention CPython because other, partial implementations of the Python specification, such as Jython, do not have a global interpreter lock. However, these implementations are not as widely used in practice because a) nobody wants to support multiple Python implementations unless they have to, b) they are less fully fleshed out, and c) due to the need to natively support the C/C++ extensions API, the Python language definition is tightly coupled to C/C++ and is less a technical specification than a reference implementation.
Python directly supports threading through a high-level
module, and
a lower-level
model. To get more information on how these modules work, the source code is
available online; linked
Getting Started
The quintessential single-threaded "Hello World" execution in Python is famously simple:
print('Hello World!')
The multi-threaded analogue isn't too different:
import threading
import time
def hello_world():
'Hello from {0}'.format(
t1 = threading.Thread(target=hello_world)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=hello_world)
During my limited amount of testing, the above script generated the result shown below:
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Hello from 123145444872192
Hello from 123145450127360
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Hello from 123145370476544
Hello from 123145370476544
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Hello from 123145409552384
Hello from 123145414807552
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Hello from 123145333612544
Hello from 123145333612544
I used get_ident()
in order to print the "thread identifier" (a magic value
with no meaning except to disambiguate between different threads at runtime).
You can see how in some instances, the thread identifier is different, while in
some other cases, the thread identifier is the same. Identical thread
identifiers do not imply work remains on the same thread, but happens because
Python re-uses the identifier if work does not overlap and a different thread
identifier is not required.
Pitfalls: Timing and Consistency
If you swapped the thread identifier with the name of the thread using
, you might get the results in order, and
a large reason for that may be because each thread is using the same function
and code path, and therefore the difference in latency between each thread is
insignificant next to the latency of the interpreter. However, this does not
mean the in-order execution is guaranteed; here's an example from "Python
Programming" on
WikiBooks where the
creation of each thread and the execution of each thread have explicitly
different timings:
import threading
import time
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
"Hello from {}!".format(
# Thread execution is spaced out by
# at least 1.0 seconds.
"{} finished!".format(
def main():
for x in range(4):
mythread = MyThread(
name = "Thread-{}".format(
x + 1)
# Thread creation is spaced out
# by at least 0.9 seconds.
if __name__ == '__main__':
This results in the following output on one sample run:
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Hello from Thread-1!
Hello from Thread-2!
Thread-1 finished!
Hello from Thread-3!
Thread-2 finished!
Hello from Thread-4!
Thread-3 finished!
Thread-4 finished!
This log indicates thread creation/execution is interleaved. With increasingly divergent timings between thread creation and execution due to the increased variability of added functionality, these results will become ever more unpredictable. The principle remains the same, though; there are no guarantees for consistent behavior when using multiple threads.
Pitfalls: Accessing Shared Memory
This can result in incorrect behavior when different threads access shared memory. You can extend this example to see a race condition when counting using multiple threads:
import threading
import time
class Counter():
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def increment_until_100(self):
while self.count != 100:
'{0} incrementing.'.format(
self.count += 1
def worker(counter):
def main():
counter = Counter()
for x in range(7):
count_thread = threading.Thread(
x + 1
'Counter final value is {0}'.format(
if __name__ == '__main__':
This generates on one sample run, this output:
(python3.7) host:~ username$ python
Thread-1 incrementing.
Thread-2 incrementing.
Thread-1 incrementing.
Thread-3 incrementing.
Thread-2 incrementing.
Thread-1 incrementing.
Thread-4 incrementing.
Thread-3 incrementing.
Thread-2 incrementing.
Thread-1 incrementing.
Thread-5 incrementing.
Thread-4 incrementing.
Thread-3 incrementing.
Thread-2 incrementing.
Thread-1 incrementing.
Thread-6 incrementing.
Thread-2 incrementing.
Thread-1 incrementing.
Counter final value is 28
Thread-7 incrementing.
Thread-6 incrementing.
Thread-7 incrementing.
Thread-6 incrementing.
(python3.7) host:~ username$
This result varies based on the number of threads created, but you can see how
the result of 28 is very different from the intended value of 100.
is not thread-safe, and it's demonstrated here (if you have
a different machine than I do, you might get a different result than 28)~~
(Update: See correction at end of post). If you encounter a race condition,
the relevant section of code may be difficult to find without sufficient
Pitfalls: Deadlocking
Deadlocking occurs when two agents attempt to acquire the same area of shared memory, and end up blocking each other. The only solution to this when working with the low-level abstractions of threads and locks is to ensure you have a way for each agent to manage its locks correctly, or have an overall paradigm of lock coordination. For example, the dining philosophers problem underlines the importance of process synchronization. Rosetta Code's Dining Philosophers solution in Python resolves this synchronization issue by ensuring if you (an agent) cannot acquire both forks in good time, you release any forks you already have so that another agent may acquire both:
def dine(self):
fork1, fork2 = self.forkOnLeft, self.forkOnRight
while self.running:
# NOTE: Do not block the lock when attempting to acquire,
# in order to avoid deadlock.
locked = fork2.acquire(False)
if locked: break
# NOTE: If the lock acquisition is not successful, then
# release the lock on the first object.
print '%s swaps forks' %
fork1, fork2 = fork2, fork1
This method does not exclude other methods of locking, such as lock ordering, or system designs involving process synchronization like producer-consumer models using semaphores, but may be less prevalent in Python than in other languages.
Pitfalls: Alien methods and dependencies
If you are going to apply multithreading in your Python application, manually
validating and verifying thread safety and the threading model of your
dependencies is something you must do if you wish to guarantee correctness in
your entire stack. Some dependencies designed for enterprise-grade usage in a
multi-service environment, such as
, may keep their concurrency
models first and foremost in mind during the design phase (see antirez
comments regarding a multithreaded version of redis
on Hacker
News). Some dependencies may
not; I may have run into a deadlock with
when downloading files
from S3 in parallel using
which necessitated a rewrite of a function. Hence, another difficulty with
dependencies arises; they cannot be commoditized, which means if you have not
validated all your dependencies you will use in your application before
implementing a threading model in your application, you may end up boxing
yourself into a dead end when attempting to add a dependency for a particular
use case to your project.
Multithreaded Logging
If you do choose to go with a native threading model in Python, you may be
pleasantly surprised to find that not only is the
thread-safe by
default, but it
also supports logging from any particular thread or process (an example
demonstrated in the logging
The difficulty then becomes where exceptions will likely be triggered in your
application, how that affects your threading model, and ensuring robust logging
around those sections of code. Adding logs to your application may present
non-trivial latency penalties, as pylint
may inform you through the warning
which may also present difficulties in your threading model.
I was rather unhappily surprised when writing this post to discover the Python
implementation was never documented or tested
because it was never finished. It does
appear to remain that way even in Python 3.7, as it appears in the source code
on the GitHub
Given the omnipresence of the global interpreter lock, and the nature of
concurrent applications primarily parallelizing I/O-related work, it may make
sense to leverage
or similar, that use the new asynchronous paradigms present in Python 3.x, as
they are more fully-featured. I have not used this module, but I would imagine
it would not incur a significant performance penalty in comparison to
Python has rudimentary support for threads and locks, and it may be less fully-featured and useful than threading and locking in another language (e.g. Java). Threading and locking primitives should also be best avoided when operating in a higher-level, interpreted language like Python. However, Python does present enough friendly exposure about threading and locking to give a good academic exercise into how threads and locks work, and present an exciting introduction to the world of concurrency.
To learn more about threading and locking in production, check out "Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks", by Paul Butcher.
(Correction on 2019/03/22): As
aaron_m04 pointed out on the
Hacker News submission of this
post and Riccardo Campari
pointed out below in Disqus, the issue with the race condition in the example
"Pitfalls: Accessing Shared Memory" is not an issue with whether
is thread safe, but rather because the child threads are never
joined with
Thanks very much to both for pointing this out to other readers and to me.
One new development in Python 3.8 is the
library, where shared memory is implemented according to the System V shared
memory specifications. I have not used this library, nor have I tried out Python
3.8 (currently in development at the time of writing this), but I would assume
this would likely be the given way to apply shared memory across Python
processes when shared-nothing paradigms don't work for some reason.
I am honestly at a loss as to why the core Python development team added this library recently. If somebody could post an RFC to the design document around this library in the comments, or perhaps ask Davin Potts for more information, I personally would appreciate any clarification.