Data-driven Testing with 'pytest', Part One: Requirements
The Importance of Software Testing
Why should you bother to write and maintain good tests, let alone prioritize them as much as source code? Software testing is important because without some automatic level of verification, you don't know that what you made works. Much more importantly, it becomes harder to add, change, or remove features without tests because you don't know if your changes broke something else down the line. Here's Martin Fowler's take on how important tests are:
Our attitude is to assume that any non-trivial code without tests is broken.
To hammer this point home, I'll share an experience I had at one of my first jobs, where Martin Fowler's quote proved painfully true. At the time, we didn't really have tests, and everything seemed broken. We had a unit test suite, which was really more of an end-to-end test suite as each test called third-party services and chained together multiple chunks of business logic. The test suite took about 40 minutes to run, assuming it ran in the first place. We didn't have a continuous integration pipeline for much of the time I was there, and no thus no test environments to, we resorted on running them in our development environments. Since running the tests was not required for pushing to production, and because they were such a pain to run, we ended up not running the tests very often. Hence, the test suite was always deprecated and broken, and no matter how many "sweeps" we made over the test suite to fix broken tests, it would stop working within a week when a feature was pushed out.
The subsequent consequences proved severe. Adding a new button and making it work properly took at least a week when it should have taken minutes, while minor bugs took days to resolve or simply could not be reproduced. During one redesign, I changed one filter, and it propagated changes to other filters in an unexpected manner. I was able to create a patch fixing 70% of the issue in a few hours, but I couldn't make a proper solution, even while pair programming with a senior software engineer for two days. One engineer discovered that we were merging different client-side states before writing back to our backend resulting in corrupted data written to our database.
The whole situation took a huge toll on us and the people our work impacted. There is no doubt in my mind that we lost customers out the bottom of our sales funnel because the quality of the software we wrote and shipped was so bad. We couldn't take pride in our work -- we continually felt bad about the :poop: we were creating on a daily basis. We were always stressed out about something breaking. We couldn't really plan large features or long roadmaps because we had no idea what to expect in our codebase. Personnel churn, both in software engineering and in the corporate divisions using our software, was unnecessarily high -- employees rage quit because of how slow the application ran.
Software testing would have helped mitigate every one of these issues.
Okay...So What does Comprehensive Software Testing Look Like?
I resolved to see how good software tests were written and how good software testing paradigms were envisioned and implemented. This involved reviewing a goodly number of open-source projects, writeups, talks, and books.
One definitive gold standard of software testing is the SQLite open-source database library, which proudly states,
"As of version 3.23.0 (2018-04-02), the SQLite library consists of approximately 128.9 KSLOC of C code. (KSLOC means thousands of "Source Lines Of Code" or, in other words, lines of code excluding blank lines and comments.) By comparison, the project has 711 times as much test code and test scripts - 91772.0 KSLOC."
Now lines of code by itself doesn't indicate code quality one way or another -- but it does indicate how much effort is put into testing, not just in writing those lines of code, but making the abstractions to ensure all those tests are easily run and verified in a performant-enough manner.
One talk that I found super helpful was "Functional Core, Imperative Shell" by Gary Bernhardt. He argues because every conditional statement creates at least two different paths, integration tests scale by \( 2^n \) for \( n \) conditionals, ensuring that the complexity of testing a particular unit of imperative business logic increases exponentially. Additionally, chaining together disparate portions of business logic by doing imperative things like passing by reference or using easy-to-bloat objects ensure that prior stated business logic remain extremely large and hence exceptionally hard to test. Thus, in order to keep your business logic testable, keep your core logic functional and ensure that any contact with the outside world, be it a database connection or a REST endpoint, be isolated as much as possible. This means effectively testing your application, which is a functional soup within an imperative shell, would involve a soup of unit tests and a shell of regression tests, rendering your test suite highly perfomant and comprehensive. This single talk convinced me of the superiority of functional programming for applications that do not need to be highly performant (e.g. every web application).
Taking in all this guidance helped me immensely when refactoring old code and
designing new features. When I got tasked to refactor out our pricing algorithms
into a brand new, clean repository, I resolved to find out how best to ensure
that tests could be written and run quickly, efficiently, and effectively. After
flailing about with the native Python standard library
module, and with
, I finally settled on
as my go-to Python testing
framework of choice going forward. With gated
commits both executing tests and
and generating linting and
test coverage reports, I eventually got to >80% test coverage and
90% linting score on the project. I was proud of the development velocity I could support with this project, and my ability to satisfy stakeholder requirements.
I touched base with an old coworker a few months after I left. Test coverage in my old project had gone down to 0%. After I handed the project off, it became a common practice to delete my old tests instead of fixing them when a test failed, and all the tests were now gone. Sometimes you can't help such things.
New Situations
When I came to work at my current company, I thought I would take much the same approach as I did as a full-stack web developer. Break up the logic into small, bite-size pieces, create unit tests for those bite-size pieces, and create regression tests for everything else. How hard could it be?
There's just one problem. I'm at a database company. A high-performance database company. And I'm a data engineer working on an ETL tool - likely one of the most stateful pieces of software to ever exist.
You see, when people say their full-stack application is "functional" or "stateless", what they're really saying is "I don't write stateful code", not that there's no state in their stack anywhere. Of course there's state in their stack. It's all in their database. You really can't do functional programming in your database unless your primary goal is reliability like CouchDB -- and our primary goal is not reliability, it's blazing-fast performance.
The high-performance nature and its ramifications for software testing come into
play when we look at the fundamentals of computer architecture. Every meaningful
computer today implements the Von Neumann
architecture, a finite
state machine. It is state moving from one point in your computer to another
with respect to time. And a performant architecture sticks close to the
underlying hardware representation, because that is how you remove the
abstractions turned impediments that slow your software down. You may use
pointers. You may pass by reference. You may even write GOTO
statements. All
of this, while making your database fast, makes it extremely stateful.
And my job? I need to take a solid block of state and turn it into another block of state formatted in a different way and stored in a different location. The statefulness of my application is the union of the statefulness of all my dependencies in all combinations of scenarios, which if you're supporting a large number of data formats, is a lot of statefulness to worry about.
There's other concerns that impact testing strategy beyond state. I need to handle all type, subtype, and property mappings between different formats, some of which are best accessible from non-Python based frameworks and programming languages. For example, Apache ORC has library bindings in Java and C++, but not Python. Optimizing feature turnaround time also plays a huge role in onboarding prospective customers (because we can't sell our advantages without them playing around with our database with their data, and oftentimes the way they get their data onto our database is with this tool I'm writing), so features need to be pushed out extremely quickly and hence tests must be written extremely quickly. Finally, since the tool is relatively new, and since I'm the only one working on it for now, there are a lot of unknown unknowns, and tests must be backwards-compatible against any possible breaking change, technical and non-technical.
It's pretty different from web development testing. There's no such thing as "Functional Core, Imperative Shell" here. I can't get by with expecting unit tests to carry the majority of my burden. I can't spend a copious amount of time writing or maintaining tests. I likely can't even hope to cover all possible regressions. I need to figure out a different abstraction if I'm going to quickly release software with any confidence.